Win/Loss Statement Request Page 1 of 3 Please complete all required fields! Today's Date(*) must be mm/dd/yyyy format Year's Requested(*) 201820192020202120222023 Invalid Input Next > First Name(*) Invalid Input Last Name(*) Invalid Input Reef Reward Number(*) Invalid Input Email(*) Invalid Input Phone(*) Invalid Input Street Address(*) Invalid Input Building Invalid Input Apartment Number Invalid Input City(*) Invalid Input State or Territory(*) Invalid Input Postal Code(*) Invalid Input (*) Invalid Input < PrevNext > File Upload: VALID GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID(*) Invalid Input: 2048kb (2MB) or less and jpg, jpeg, png, or pdf format 2048kb (2MB) or less. You must submit your valid driver's license or government-issued id as proof of identification. We love your smiling face but selfies will not be considered. How Would You Like To Receive Your Statement?(*) PICK UP ASAP: I will pick up at Reef Rewards Club (with Valid ID).PICK UP LATER: I will pick up in January, after the year has concluded.MAIL ASAP: Mail to address listed on account.MAIL LATER: Mail to the address listed on account, after the year has concluded.MAIL TO DIFFERENT ADDRESS ASAP: I have moved, mail to the address listed on this request. Invalid Input (*) Refresh Invalid Input < PrevSUBMIT